Aug 24

Tuesday Shoesday

Written By Katie

Image by Foto Cielo

So my love of shoes is also shared by my bestest Leslie, who is pictured above, and who I dedicate this Tuesday Shoesday to.  I always knew that I could count on her to go shopping with me for new shoes in college because we both loved great deals, and we also loved adding to our shoe collection.  I love her to death, and miss her terribly since we don’t get to see each other that often.   But this picture totally made me smile last week when I saw it because not only is she is an amazing writer of a travel blog and is super witty, I so could  imagine what was on this floor length speech to her other best friend Katie during Katie’s wedding reception.  🙂

As usual, check out  Landlocked BrideGwyneth PaigeSwatchbook Weddings, Meant to Be SentWeddings & Pretty ThingsLife in the Super BurbsSlice of LimeApril Foster Events,  Swoon Over It Photography and Bellwether Events today for their Tuesday Shoesday posts!

4 responses to “Tuesday Shoesday”

  1. BRANDY says:

    I absolutely adore those shoes!!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    This is a wonderful photo. Reminds me of an old school movie.

  3. Leslie says:

    Those are my feet! Hahah…thank you my best! Thank God we had each other to shoe shop in college…which is why I was always poor, but hey, we always had great shoes! Those are Ralph Lauren by the way…for anyone who cares 🙂


  4. Brit says:

    How can you not love a good RL peeptoe. Yum!