May 8


Written By Katie

It’s Mother’s Day weekend and today my little brother graduates from College.  I’m so incredibly proud of him, and what he has accomplished and I wish we could have been there to see him walk down that aisle in his cap and gown.  I’m excited for what is to come for him as well.  I’ve always known that he would be a great teacher, and within the month he is moving to Memphis to become a teacher and get his master’s degree with a program that mirrors Teach for America.  If you’re in Memphis, you’re about to get the best Biology teacher you’ll ever have.  He is one smart cookie, and I know he will do great things.  I’m going to miss having him in Ft. Worth, but we will both have to make trips back to see the friends that will last a lifetime all over Texas.

One response to “Accomplishments”

  1. Brit says:

    Congrats to your brother! I was thisclose to going to TCU! And best wishes to him in Memphis.