Jul 9
St. Louis Wedding Planner and Educator
Written By Katie
Bringing back the blog
Time FLIES. Ten years ago I blogged every single day, and Twitter was our business relationship tool with people all over. Things look a little different now, there are strategies to every social media tool you use now, and blogging is still there but in a slightly different capacity than it was ten years ago. I have missed writing and have spent the last few months figuring out where the next few years will take me and what this space will be used for. Right now there are less than six months left until the end of 2019, and it was time to start accomplishing these goals of mine before the end of the year. Start small, and any goal is obtainable. So hello blog, it’s good to be back!

I am excited for the future, and look forward to reconnecting with new and old friends through this writing space. On top of event inspiration, I want to share more about social media tools I’ve spent time learning over the past few years, and also share more insight on planner tools and what makes your life more efficient. I’ve learned a lot in business over the past ten years, and I want to share some of that knowledge in this blog space moving forward.
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